​Living Lightly on the Earth

​Living Lightly on the Earth

Posted by Adelaide Steggall on 13th May 2023

We stand upon this fragile earth, 

A planet in distress. 

The signs of our excess and waste 

Are hard to miss, no less.

But hope is not yet lost, my friend,

For there are things we can do,

To lessen our impact on the earth, 

And live sustainably anew.

Bring your own bags to the store, 

And say goodbye to plastic waste.

Carry a reusable water bottle, 

And quench your thirst with haste.

Recycle all that you can, 

From cans to cardboard boxes. 

And compost food scraps from your plate,

To nourish soil in boxes.

When it comes to energy, 

Choose LED bulbs and more, 

And unplug electronics when not in use, 

To save power galore.

Living green is not just a trend,

But a way of life that will endure. 

Together we can make a difference, 

And our planet we'll secure.

So let us all commit to change, 

To living lightly on the earth,

And leave behind a legacy, 

Of sustainability and worth.